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Library Rules

1. Identity card should be shown at the check point.

2. Leave your bags, handbags and personal belongings at the depository/property counter.

3. Students are prohibited to carry any notebook inside the reference section except loose sheets.

4. No person shall write on, damage or make any mark on any book, journal or other material belongings to the library.

5. Books should be handled with great care and mutilation of books in any manner will be heavily fined.

6. Students can retain the books for two weeks only, after which a fine of Rs.2.00pd. Per book per day will be levied.

7. Renewals are allowed only, when there is no claim by others.

8. A borrowed book if recalled by the Librarian has to be returned immediately.

9. Online reservation can be done for a book, which is already lent out. Reserve books are kept separately in circulation counter for two days for each member.

10. Maintain Q’s at circulation counter.


11. Books lost by the borrowers have to be reported immediately to the Librarian in writing. 

12. Loss of borrower card has to be reported immediately to the Librarian in writing. 

13. Students/staff can suggest book/periodicals/magazine for consideration for inclusion in the library. 

14. Before leaving the library, the reader shall leave on the table any books/periodical, which he/she has taken for reference; same shall not be kept back on the shelf by the reader to avoid misplacement. 

15. All the students must return the books in the even/odd semester at the time of completion of university examinations and before the library announced date. 

17. Scanning and printout facilities are available. Reprographic services made arrangement in the campus.

18. Eatables are strictly prohibited in the library.

19. Maintaining peace, silence in the library is must.


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